

Influx Traffic Data process videos for intersections and turn into accurate traffic data. Let the intersection be signalized or non-signalized, let the recording be from a normal single cam or multiple cam or 36o degree cam or drone, let the intersection has 3 arms, 4 arms, 5 arms or 6 arms, let the intersection be regular or a staggered, let the classifications be just totals (volume only counts) or FHWA 13 vehicle classifications or customized vehicle classes, let the requirement be with crosswalk or without crosswalk, let the survey duration be just an hour or a day or a week, just upload videos and download accurate Intersection Turning Movement Counts Data in 3 business days! Team Influx Traffic data is capable of processing intersections filmed with multiple cameras. Yes, we do provide TMC data by tracking vehicles from multiple cameras! It’s hard, but hard is not impossible!


Influx Traffic Data process videos for roundabouts and turn into accurate traffic data. Let the roundabout be signalized or non-signalized, let the recording be from a normal single cam or multiple Cam, let the roundabout has 3 arms, 4 arms, 5 arms or 6 arms, let the roundabout be regular or a staggered, let the classifications be just totals (volume only counts) or FHWA 13 vehicle classifications or customized vehicle classes, let the requirement be with crosswalk or without crosswalk data, let the survey duration be an  hour or a day or a week, just upload videos and download accurate Roundabout Turning Movement Counts Data in 3 business days! Team Influx Traffic data is capable of processing roundabouts filmed with multiple cameras. Yes, we do provide TMC data by tracking vehicles from multiple cameras! It’s hard, but hard is not impossible!


Influx Traffic Data, process videos for road sections and turn into accurate traffic data. Let the road sections be single lane each direction or 6 lanes each direction, let the recording be from a normal single cam for both the directions or two cams (one for each direction) or from a drone, let the road sections be inside a city or a motor way (highway), let the classifications be just totals (volume only counts) or FHWA 13 vehicle classifications or customized vehicle classes, let the survey duration be just an hour or a day or a week, just upload videos and download desired accurate traffic data in 3 business days! Influx Traffic data provides classified vehicle traffic data either lane wise or direction wise! You decide, we customize and process and present!


Influx Traffic Data process videos and provide mid-block counts data. Mid-Block Counts also referred as Link Classified Counts. Let the links be single lane each direction or 6 lanes each direction, let the recording be from a normal single cam for both the directions or two cams (one for each direction) or from a drone, let the links be inside a city or a motor way, let the classifications be just totals (volume only counts) or FHWA 13 vehicle classifications or customized vehicle classes, let the survey duration be just an hour or a day or a week, just upload videos and download desired accurate traffic data in 3 business days! Influx Traffic data provides link classified counts either lane wise or direction wise! You decide, we customize and process and present!


Influx Traffic data analyse videos and extract pedestrian counts. Let it be pathway counts or crosswalk counts at priority junctions, intersections, roundabouts, road sections or rail/bus stations entry/exit points, Influx provides either peds volume only counts or classified pedestrian counts (e.g. adult, child, bi-cycle, disabled, accompanied child, un-accompanied child, pram etc.,). Influx Traffic data accurate pedestrian survey reports assess you with the pedestrian flow to suggest improvements for safety besides helps you fine tune pedestrian signals, and to time traffic signals. Our peds data reports helps you to evaluate the need for and effectiveness of various pedestrian planning measures at your desired locations.


Influx Traffic data process videos and provide bicycle counts data. Bicycle counts can be at streets that lead to schools, near pedal bike parking areas, central major districts, major retail areas, transit stops, shopping malls, high density residential areas, libraries, community centres, sports facilities, over crossings, under crossings, etc., We do provide pedal bike turning movement counts data at intersections/roundabouts. As part of crosswalk data at junctions or links (road sections), we do provide accurate pedal bike counts data.


Influx Traffic data analyse videos and provide accurate car parking surveys data. Our traffic survey services offer data from simple car park accumulation surveys to the more detailed duration of stay surveys. Results can be tailored to meet clients’ specific requirements. Team Influx Traffic data is capable of tracking entry time and exit time of every car from a parking lot and derives duration of stay as well. Every 5 min or 15 min bins, we even get car park occupancy data either from video or from snapshots/screenshots! We parse video tape and provide car park studies data for on street parking, off street parking etc., You frame the requirements, we share accurate car park data!


When the demand exceeds available capacity, queue length studies play crucial role. Influx Traffic data process videos and turn into accurate lane wise queue length data that helps to minimize the risk of blockage! In general, we consider rolling queues (vehicles with walking speed) as well. We offer queue length studies for priority junctions, signalized intersections, non-signalized intersections, signalized roundabouts, non-signalized roundabouts, RIROs (Right In, Right Out), links / mid-blocks / road sections. Team Influx Traffic data is familiar with snap/spot queue data, minimum queue data, maximum queue data either in 1 min or 5 min or 15 min bins. We do offer signalized queues (Red light ON phase / Green light ON phase) with signal timestamps recorded! Again, our skilled analysts can extract desired queue length data from multiple cameras without glitches! We do offer illegal queues data as well – if required!


Influx Traffic data analyse videos and present punctuality surveys data for public/private transport networks. We do provide punctuality data for bus/rail networks and our data includes arrival time, departure time, duration of stay, bus registration plate number or rail number (if required), direction of the vehicle, number of passengers entry/exit data (if required) etc., Even we offer rail gate closing time, opening time, duration of closure time etc., details. With our punctuality surveys data, we assure, you better understand the public/private transport usage which is vital for all important decisions on transport improvements!


ANPR – Automated Number Plate Recognition is also known as ALPR – Automated License Plate Recognition. Influx Traffic data process videos/snapshots (black & white or colour) and extract registration plate data besides we record timestamp, vehicle class and direction. If OCR – Object Character Recognition is already implemented, just share us the ANPR data and we cross verify your systems data against actuals for accuracy!


Gap acceptance plays a crucial role in safe driving and bicycle riding. Keen to find, are there are differences gaps selection? How are gap choices related to crossing behaviour? Do gap choices change in dense traffic? How is temperament related to risk in road crossing? Wish to observe the gaps real drivers select in dynamic stream traffic! Then why delay, share videos and our world class video analysts turns videos into individual gap analysis data and combined gap analysis data! Just parse our gap studies data and use critical gap to estimate the throughput capacity of desired location!


One size doesn’t fit all! Every client is unique and their project requirements. Influx Traffic data goes extra mile and offers tailored road traffic data extraction services. For example, Vehicle classifications based on axles configurations, Freight classifications, FHWA 13 classes, Truck classifications, EMS (European Modular System) vehicle classes, Equestrians, single unit truck, multiple unit truck, rigid truck, articulated truck etc.,